Sunday 23 July 2017

Mehndipur Balaji ( Rajasthan )

mehndipur balaji

  • Miracle Mehndpur Balaji Temple - The most famous and trusted place to overcome the ghost-haunting obstacle.
  • Mehndipur Balaji is believed to be a very powerful temple of Hanumanji inspired by divine power to get rid of evil spirits. Many people here can be tied to chains and inverted hangings.
  • There is a place called Mehndipur, situated between two hills near Dausa district of Rajasthan. This temple is about 65 km from Jaipur on the Jaipur-Bandikui-Bus route.
  • It is said that many years ago Hanumanji and Prat King appeared on the Aravalli mountain. People come here to get relief from the diseases of evil spirits and dark magic. This temple is considered to be the only path to liberation from these sufferings.
  • Here you can see such strange scenes that you will be afraid of once.
  • Laddu accounts only the patient starts to jerk and the ghost-pretoria itself comes into his body and starts to murmur. It is bound in handcuffs and yachts automatically. Sometimes he tunes his head and never hurts at the ground. At the behest of Balaji, the tree hangs upside down. Sometimes a fire is burnt and jumped into it. Sometimes hangs or hangs on the corridor. Temperately beaten by ghost pretenders automatically surrender at the feet of Balaji, otherwise they are eliminated.
  • In the temple of Balaji Maharaj, worship is done in the morning and in the evening for about four to four hours. Pooja is recited in chanting of chanting of rituals and chants. At this time where devotees offer lamps to the deities, the ghost ghosts screams shouting, while reaping their punishment.
  • Here you do not need to be surprised if you see someone tied in a janzer. Why do ghosts are bound in chains? These are people who have a ghost inside and their relatives bring them here to get rid of these ghosts
  • People with low hearts do not come here because somebody may be scared for some time seeing here. Those people in which there is a bad soul, those people are brought in chains in the joints. The view here is shocked by the general public. The victims who come here tell their story by screaming and screaming. After coming here, people return home after being healthy. 


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